do the next thing.

do the next thing.

“Have you had the experience of feeling as if you’ve got far too many burdens to bear, far too many people to take care of, far too many things on your list to do? You just can’t possibly do it, and you get in a panic and you just want to sit down and collapse in a pile and feel sorry for yourself.

Well, I’ve felt that way a good many times in my life, and I go back over and over again to an old Saxon legend, which I’m told is carved in an old English parson somewhere by the sea. I don’t know where this is. But this is a poem which was written about that legend. The legend is: ‘Do the next thing.’ “- Elisabeth Elliot

The world is busy and complex.

It’s your choice if you want to get off at the next stop or be swept away in the current.

The simple things in life are often the most profound.


Slow down.

And just do the next thing.